Ameesha Patel started her career with two blockbusters Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai and Gadar - Ek Prem Katha for which she also got praises. The actress turned producer, says that her decade long journey in Bollywood has not been easy. The star has had a mix run in the film industry and Ameesha blames it on the insecure nature of the showbiz.
Ameesha says, "Bollywood is a difficult place to be in. People here scrutinize you after every film. Also, you can't ignore the camp factor. You are also expected to get extra special with your hero. Unfortunately or fortunately, these are some of the things that I have never learnt over the years.I thought that talent and merit should be good enough but things didn't turn out to be so rosy. But then it's okay because now I am back to living my passion”.
After a gap of three years she came back to Bollywood, Ameesha's last release, the long-delayed Chatur Singh failed at the box office. But the star remains unfazed and recently launched her production house. Ameesha has roped in David Dhawan and Priyadarshan to direct two films.
She will produce and star in the movies.
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all celebrities says ,"bollywood is difficult place to be in.."
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